Generating doctrine slugs manually

邮差的信 提交于 2019-12-01 21:38:30

I found solution by accident here. Code:

use Gedmo\Sluggable\Util as Sluggable;    

$string = 'My own text!';
$slug = Sluggable\Urlizer::urlize($string, '-');
    if(empty($slug)) // if $string is like '=))' or 'トライアングル・サービス' an empty slug will be returned, that causes troubles and throws no exception
        echo 'error, empty slug!!!';
        echo $slug;

Find the doctrine code for generating a slug here: l3pp4rd/DoctrineExtensions. Playing around with that class could do as you desire but you will probable need to create your own service to implement an easy use as you want. See the Service Container section of the docs for more details about services.

Mathieu Mlr

The Sluggable\Urlizer::urlize seems to replace ' with -. I had to use Sluggable\Urlizer::transliterate to be closer to the SluggableListener behaviour.
