Is there a way to reference another database from my database project without directly referencing it?
For example, I want to be able to write something like this:
SELECT X FROM OtherDB.dbo.Table1
Your best bet is to add a database reference to your project. For VS2010 and lower DBProj files, you'll want to generate a dbschema file and add it as a database reference. For SSDT, you'll want to use a dacpac file. This works well for projects that are mostly static and you can even tailor them down to just include the objects that are relevant.
VS2010, 2008 - has the documentation you'll need to export an existing database into a dbschema file. Place it somewhere your project can access it and add it as a "Database Reference".
SSDT - gives you the command line reference for generating a dacpac file. Once generated, place it somewhere your project can access it and add as a database reference.
I've got a blog post on this for SSDT here: