Symfony2 - Need help setting up a doctrine query for finding tags

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-12-01 21:02:41

I believe this will work for you.

public function getPostsByTags($tag)
        $query = $this->createQueryBuilder('b')
            ->where('b.tags like :tag')
            ->setParameter('tag', '%'.$tag.'%');

        return $query->getQuery()->getResult();

1st solution : You should use a doctrine query.


public function findByTagName($tagName)
    $qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('post');
        ->join('post.tags', 'tag')
        ->where(' LIKE ?', '%'.$tagName.'%');

    return $qb->getQuery()->getResult();

2nd solution : Use Many To Many relation and get directly from doctrine


 * @ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="YourApp\YourBundle\Entity\Post", inversedBy="tags")
 * @ORM\JoinColumn(name="posts_tags")
private $posts;


 * @ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="YourApp\YourBundle\Entity\Tag", mappedBy="posts")
private $tags;

So you can do $tag->getPosts(); to get all relative posts

3rd solution : Really ugly, but the tutorial is not designed to be improved ... Get all blog post and parsing each string to find if your tag is in.

public function getBlogWithTag($tagRequested)
    $blogs = $this->createQueryBuilder('b')

    $blogsWithTag = array();
    $tags = array();
    foreach ($blogs as $blog)
        $tags = explode(",", $blog->getTags());
        foreach ($tags as &$tag)
            $tag = trim($tag);

        if(in_array($tagRequested, $tags)) {
            array_push($blogsWithTag, $blog);

    return $blogsWithTag;