javafx NullPointerException with controlsfx Notifications componnets

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2019-12-01 20:39:19

I realize that this exception occurs when the stage go to hide mode and the notification component cannot find stage when notification needs to show in stage. After searching in internet I find two solution for this problem.

Solution 1:

Open the stage and show notification. In this way we should check that if the stage was hidden, open it , and show notification. To do this we must add this condition in CreateNotification Method:

Stage stage = (Stage)  button.getScene().getWindow();
     if (!stage.isShowing()){

Solution 2:

In this solution we create a dummy stage and set its opacity to zero and after that, hide the main stage. I find this solution at this link and put the code in here:

public void createDummyStage() {
    Stage dummyPopup = new Stage();
    // set as utility so no iconification occurs
    // set opacity so the window cannot be seen
    // not necessary, but this will move the dummy stage off the screen
    final Screen screen = Screen.getPrimary();
    final Rectangle2D bounds = screen.getVisualBounds();
    // create/add a transparent scene
    final Group root = new Group();
    dummyPopup.setScene(new Scene(root, 1d, 1d, Color.TRANSPARENT));
    // show the dummy stage;

As I mention bellow, We should call this method before hiding the main stage:

public void handleSysTryAction(ActionEvent event) {
    Stage stage = (Stage) button.getScene().getWindow();

I implement this two solution and every things works well. If you have a better solution for this problem please put here

You can download the complete Netbeans project from my Dropbox

I could not figure out why hamid's first solution was not working for me, until I debugged the Notifications creation. I found out, that beside the need of the Window to be isShowing it has to be isFocused too!

My solution is to call something like this method before

private void focusStage() {
    final Stage stage = (Stage) button.getScene().getWindow();
    if (!stage.isShowing()) {;
    if (!stage.isFocused()) {