Meteor Up deploy failed but app runs fine in development

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-01 20:23:40

Please take a look to the related issue on Github. In this page, @Abernix found a temporary solution:

at root of your project, do theses command line:

meteor remove standard-minifier-js

meteor add abernix:standard-minifier-js@1.2.2

And then, try again to build.

WARNING: As @Abernix said:

Please don't consider this as a long-term solution (as it will be better if you remain on the official package), but more of a survey to see how their progress is is going. There is still work to be done before it's finished, but I'm curious if it fixes it for any of you. My package is using the 2.7.5 release of the uglify-js harmony branch (which is still not considered stable, but might work for some).
