Newline Conversion in Submitted Text in PHP

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2019-12-01 19:39:12

The function you're using, nl2br is used for inserting them, but not replacing them. If you want to replace \n with <br /> you just need to use str_replace. Like so:

$string = str_replace("\n","<br />",$string);

There is absolutely no need for regex in this situation.

It seems like the problem you described is not a bug, but a feature of bl2br. You could just write your own function for it, like:

function NlToBr($inString)
    return preg_replace("%\n%", "<br>", $inString);

I found this one in the comments of the documentation of the nl2br-function in the PHP Manual: If the one I posted did not work for you, there should be plenty more where it came from.

(Or just use the function from the other Answer that was just posted, I guess that should work, too)

This should fix it:

preg_replace('/<br(\s+)?\/?>(?!\s*\n)/i', "\n", mysql_result($result,$i,"content"))

You cannot simply remove the breaks, because they might be on the same line. This regex will replace all breaks with newline but not those that are followed by the newline.

It will leave the <br>\n in the text. Additional regex will get rid of them:

preg_replace('/<br(\s+)?\/?>/i', "", $res)