Problems with an ambiguous grammar and PEG.js (no examples found)

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2019-12-01 17:47:45

so why is it separated in so many nesting levels and even undefined is included in the output?

If you look at the documentation for PEG.js, you'll see almost every operator collects the results of its operands into an array. undefined is returned by the ! operator.

The $ operator bypasses all this nesting and just gives you the actual string that matches, eg: [a-z]+ will give an array of letters, but $[a-z]+ will give a string of letters.

I think most of the parsing here follows the pattern: "give me everything until I see this string". You should express this in PEG by first using ! to make sure you haven't hit the terminating string, and then just taking the next character. For example, to get everything up to " abbr -":

(!" abbr -" .)+

If the terminating string is a single character, you can use [^] as a short form of this, eg: [^x]+ is a shorter way of saying (!"x" .)+.

Parsing comma/semicolon separated phrases rather than comma/semicolon terminated phrases is slightly annoying, but treating them as optional terminators seems to work (with some triming).

start = $(!" abbr -" .)+ " abbr -" $num "." [ ]? "(012)" 
  phrase_comma+ "- (" noq_phrase_semi+ q_phrase_semi+ ")"
phrase_comma    =      p:$[^-,]+    [, ]* { return p.trim() }
noq_phrase_semi = !'"' p:$[^;]+     [; ]* { return p.trim() }
q_phrase_semi   =  '"' p:$[^"]+ '"' [; ]* { return p }
num = [0-9]+


    "simple word",
    " abbr -",
    " ",
        "simple phrase",
        "one another phrase"
    "- (",
        "simply dummy text of the printing",
        "Lorem Ipsum : \"Lorem\" - has been the industry's standard dummy text, ever since the 1500s!"
        "It is a long established!",
        "Sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like)",
        "sometimes on purpose"
    " This is the end of the line"