Reading Local Group Policy / Active Directory Settings

余生长醉 提交于 2019-12-01 17:45:28

There doesn't appear to be a documented API for this task, managed or otherwise.

Managed Attempt

I tried the managed route using the System.Management assembly:

        ConnectionOptions options = new ConnectionOptions();
        ManagementScope scope = new ManagementScope(@"\\.\root\RSOP\Computer", options);

        ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, new ObjectQuery("SELECT * FROM RSOP_SecuritySettingBoolean"));
        foreach(ManagementObject o in searcher.Get())
            Console.WriteLine("Key Name: {0}", o["KeyName"]);
            Console.WriteLine("Precedence: {0}", o["Precedence"]);
            Console.WriteLine("Setting: {0}", o["Setting"]);

This however will not return results. It doesn't appear to be a permission issue as providing a username/password pair to ConnectionOptions results in an exception telling you that you can not specify a username when connecting locally.

Unmanaged Attempt

I looked at NetUserModalsGet. While this will return some information on password settings:

typedef struct _USER_MODALS_INFO_0 {
  DWORD usrmod0_min_passwd_len;
  DWORD usrmod0_max_passwd_age;
  DWORD usrmod0_min_passwd_age;
  DWORD usrmod0_force_logoff;
  DWORD usrmod0_password_hist_len;
} USER_MODALS_INFO_0, *PUSER_MODALS_INFO_0, *LPUSER_MODALS_INFO_0; will not let tell if the Password Complexity policy is enabled.

Tool Output Scraping 'Success'

So I resorted to parsing secedit.exe output.

    public static bool PasswordComplexityPolicy()
        var tempFile = Path.GetTempFileName();

        Process p = new Process();
        p.StartInfo.FileName = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(@"%SystemRoot%\system32\secedit.exe");
        p.StartInfo.Arguments = String.Format(@"/export /cfg ""{0}"" /quiet", tempFile);
        p.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
        p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;

        var file = IniFile.Load(tempFile);

        IniSection systemAccess = null;
        var passwordComplexityString = "";
        var passwordComplexity = 0;

        return file.Sections.TryGetValue("System Access", out systemAccess)
            && systemAccess.TryGetValue("PasswordComplexity", out passwordComplexityString)
            && Int32.TryParse(passwordComplexityString, out passwordComplexity)
            && passwordComplexity == 1;

Full code here:

You can use the Resultant Set of Policy (RSOP) tools. E.g. here's a VBScript (lifted from here) which will tell you what you need to know. It should be simple enough to translate this into C#.

strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\rsop\computer")
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
    ("Select * from RSOP_SecuritySettingBoolean")
For Each objItem in colItems
    Wscript.Echo "Key Name: " & objItem.KeyName
    Wscript.Echo "Precedence: " & objItem.Precedence
    Wscript.Echo "Setting: " & objItem.Setting

I came across your this Microsoft forum answer

Hope this helps somebody who comes across this question in the future.
