Numerical Integration over a Matrix of Functions, SymPy and SciPy

五迷三道 提交于 2019-12-01 16:48:21

I think you can avoid the lambdification time by switching to numerical evaluation at a different stage of the calculation.

Namely, your calculation seems to be diagonal in the sense that k1 and k2 are both of the form k = g^T X g where X is some 5x5 matrix (with differential ops inside, but that doesn't matter), and g is 5xM, with M large. Therefore k[i,j] = g.T[i,:] * X * g[:,j].

So you can just replace

for j in xrange(1,n+1):
    for i in xrange(1,m+1):
        g1 += [uu(i,j,x,t),          0,          0,          0,          0]
        g2 += [          0,vv(i,j,x,t),          0,          0,          0]
        g3 += [          0,          0,ww(i,j,x,t),          0,          0]
        g4 += [          0,          0,          0,bx(i,j,x,t),          0]
        g5 += [          0,          0,          0,          0,bt(i,j,x,t)]
g = Matrix( [g1, g2, g3, g4, g5] )


i1 = Symbol('i1')
j1 = Symbol('j1')
g1 = [uu(i1,j1,x,t),          0,          0,          0,          0]
g2 = [          0,vv(i1,j1,x,t),          0,          0,          0]
g3 = [          0,          0,ww(i1,j1,x,t),          0,          0]
g4 = [          0,          0,          0,bx(i1,j1,x,t),          0]
g5 = [          0,          0,          0,          0,bt(i1,j1,x,t)]
g_right = Matrix( [g1, g2, g3, g4, g5] )

i2 = Symbol('i2')
j2 = Symbol('j2')
g1 = [uu(i2,j2,x,t),          0,          0,          0,          0]
g2 = [          0,vv(i2,j2,x,t),          0,          0,          0]
g3 = [          0,          0,ww(i2,j2,x,t),          0,          0]
g4 = [          0,          0,          0,bx(i2,j2,x,t),          0]
g5 = [          0,          0,          0,          0,bt(i2,j2,x,t)]
g_left = Matrix( [g1, g2, g3, g4, g5] )


tmp = evaluateExpr( B*g )
k1 = r*tmp.transpose() * F * tmp
k2 = r*g.transpose()*evaluateExpr(Bc*g)
k2 = evaluateExpr( k2 )


tmp_right = evaluateExpr( B*g_right )
tmp_left = evaluateExpr( B*g_left )
k1 = r*tmp_left.transpose() * F * tmp_right
k2 = r*g_left.transpose()*evaluateExpr(Bc*g_right)
k2 = evaluateExpr( k2 )

Didn't test (past am), but you get the idea.

Now, instead of having a huge symbolic matrix which makes everything slow, you have two matrix indices for the trial function indices, and free parameters i1,j1 and i2,j2 which play their role and you should substitute integers into them in the end.

Since the matrix to lambdify is only 5x5, and needs to be lambdified only once outside all loops, the lambdification and simplification overhead is gone. Moreover, the problem fits easily into memory even for large m, n.

The integration is not any faster, but since the expressions are very small, you can easily e.g. dump them in Fortran or do something else smart.

quadpy (a project of mine) does vectorized numerical integration. This

from numpy import sin, cos, pi
import quadpy

def f(X):
    x, t = X
    return [

x1 = 30
x2 = 75
t1 = 0
t2 = 2*pi

sol = quadpy.quadrilateral.integrate(
        [[x1, t1], [x2, t1], [x2, t2], [x1, t2]],



[[ 1456.3701526 ]
 [ 2620.60490653]
 [ 5034.5831071 ]]


%timeit quadpy.quadrilateral.integrate(f, [[x1, t1], [x2, t1], [x2, t2], [x1, t2]], q)
1000 loops, best of 3: 219 µs per loop

This leads to dramatic speedup in your downloadable example:

import numpy
array2mat = [{'ImmutableMatrix': numpy.array}, 'numpy']
k1_lambda = lambdify( (x,t), k1, modules=array2mat)
print 'Finished lambdifying k1:', time.clock()
import quadpy
sol = quadpy.quadrilateral.integrate(
    lambda X: k1_lambda(X[0], X[1]),
    [[x1, t1], [x2, t1], [x2, t2], [x1, t2]],


Start: 0.040001
Finished trial functions: 0.379929
Finished evaluating differential equations: 2.669536
Finished lambdifying k1: 29.961808
Finished integrating k1: 30.106988
Finished lambdifying and integrating k2: 34.229007
Finished calculating eigenvalues and eigenvectors: 34.229924

Note that quadpy doesn't do adaptive quadrature, so choose your scheme wisely.
