i would like to know if it's possible check if one letter of a string is capitalized. Other way to see it, if all letters in the string are uppercase or lowercase. Example:
string a = "aaaaAaa";
string b = "AAAAAa";
if(??){ //Cheking if all the string is lowercase
cout << "The string a contain a uppercase letter" << endl;
if(??){ //Checking if all the string is uppercase
cout << "The string b contain a lowercase letter" << endl;
you can use standard algorithm std::all_of
if( std::all_of( str.begin(), str.end(), islower ) { // all lowercase
Use all_of
in concert with isupper
and islower
if(all_of(a.begin(), a.end(), &::isupper)){ //Cheking if all the string is lowercase
cout << "The string a contain a uppercase letter" << endl;
if(all_of(a.begin(), a.end(), &::islower)){ //Checking if all the string is uppercase
cout << "The string b contain a lowercase letter" << endl;
Alternatively, use count_if
, if you want to check the number of letters matching your predicate.
This can be easily done with lambda expressions:
if (std::count_if(a.begin(), b.end(), [](unsigned char ch) { return std::islower(ch); }) == 1) {
// The string has exactly one lowercase character
This assumes that you want to detect exactly one uppercase/lowercase letter, as per your examples.