Exchange Web Service managed, get deleted appointments

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-01 16:32:31

Depending on how a user deletes an appointment (or any item), different things are done:

  • Soft-Delete: The item is moved to the recycle bin of the mailbox.
  • Hard-Delete: The item is instantly removed.

You have multiple ways to get information about deleted items:

  • Query the folder using a FindItems call and select ItemTraversal.Associated in the Traversal property of the ItemView. Note: This requires Exchange 2010.
  • Use the SyncFolderItems at one time and store the synchronization cookie somewhere. Later, execute the SyncFolderItems again using the previously stored cookie. Exchange will now give you a detailed list of changes which happened to the folder.
  • Query the Recycle bin for appointments. They will most likely have come from the default calendar of the user.

I wrote a service that syncs EWS Calendar Appointments to a Sql Table.

For deletion after Inserting/Updating changes if there is a row in the database and not in EWS I will delete it, as this means it was deleted in Exchange. I use GUIDs to track the appointment in database and exchange. Exchange web services: why is ItemId not constant? [continued]

Performance is decent with just couple dozen appointments, I will try it on much larger dataset.

Dim appointmentGuid As New List(Of String)
For Each appointment In appointments 'appointments is IEnumerable(Of Appointment) from EWS
Dim guid As String = GetGuidForAppointment(appointment)
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(guid) Then
    guid = GetGuidForAppointment(appointment)
End If

 'Upsert rows

'Delete orphaned rows 
Using sqlConnection As New SqlConnection(ConnectionString)
Dim deleteScript As New StringBuilder()
Using sqlCmd As New SqlCommand("SELECT ID FROM Appointments", sqlConnection)
    Using sqlDataReader As SqlDataReader = sqlCmd.ExecuteReader()
        While sqlDataReader.Read()
            Dim guid As String = sqlDataReader.GetString(0)
            If Not appointmentGuid.Contains(guid) Then
                deleteScript.AppendFormat("DELETE FROM Appointments WHERE ID = '{0}'; ", guid)
            End If
        End While
    End Using
End Using
If deleteScript.Length > 0 Then
    Using sqlCmd As New SqlCommand(deleteScript.ToString(), sqlConnection)
    End Using
End If
End Using