Static functions from boost.lambda or boost.phoenix

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-01 16:22:02
  1. There is no way to make this cleaner. You are calling a member function through a null pointer. This is all kinds of undefined behavior, but you know that already.
  2. You can't know if a Boost.Lambda function is stateless. It's a black box. Boost.Phoenix is a different story. It's built on Boost.Proto, a DSL toolkit, and Phoenix publishes its grammar and gives you hooks to introspect the lambda expressions it generates. You can quite easily write a Proto algorithm to look for stateful terminals and bomb out at compile time if it finds any. (But that doesn't change my answer to #1 above.)

You said you like the polymorphic nature of Boost's lambda functions, but you're not using that property in your code above. My suggestion: use C++11 lambdas. The stateless ones already have an implicit conversion to raw function pointers. It's just what you're looking for, IMO.


Although calling a member function through a null pointer is a terrible idea (don't do it, you'll go blind), you can default-construct a NEW lambda object of the same type of the original. If you combine that with my suggestion in #2 above, you can get what you're after. Here's the code:

#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
#include <boost/mpl/bool.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/and.hpp>
#include <boost/phoenix.hpp>

namespace detail
    using namespace boost::proto;
    namespace mpl = boost::mpl;

    struct is_stateless
      : or_<
            when<terminal<_>, std::is_empty<_value>()>,
                fold<_, mpl::true_(), mpl::and_<_state, is_stateless>()>

    template<typename Lambda>
    struct static_lambda
        template<typename Sig>
        struct impl;

        template<typename Ret, typename Arg0, typename Arg1>
        struct impl<Ret(Arg0, Arg1)>
            static Ret apply(Arg0 arg0, Arg1 arg1)
                return Lambda()(arg0, arg1);

        template<typename Fun>
        operator Fun*() const
            return &impl<Fun>::apply;

    template<typename Lambda>
    inline static_lambda<Lambda> make_static(Lambda const &l)
            "Lambda is not stateless"
        return static_lambda<Lambda>();

using detail::make_static;

int main()
    using namespace boost::phoenix;
    using namespace placeholders;

    int c=5;
    int (*add)(int,int) = make_static(_1+_2);

    // We can even define arrays with the following syntax
    static double (*const func_array[])(double,double) = 
    std::cout << func_array[0](10,15) << "\n";
    std::cout << func_array[1](10,15);

    // If you try to create a stateless lambda from a lambda
    // with state, you trigger a static assertion:
    int (*oops)(int,int) = make_static(_1+_2+42); // ERROR, not stateless

Disclaimer: I am not the author of Phoenix. I don't know if default-constructability is guaranteed for all stateless lambdas.

Tested with MSVC-10.0.

