Disable single warning error

邮差的信 提交于 2019-11-26 13:04:41
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable : 4101)
// Your function
#pragma warning( pop ) 

If you only want to suppress a warning in a single line of code, you can use the suppress warning specifier:

#pragma warning(suppress: 4101)
// here goes your single line of code where the warning occurs

For a single line of code, this works the same as writing the following:

#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4101)
// here goes your code where the warning occurs
#pragma warning(pop)

#pragma push/pop are often a solution for this kind of problems, but in this case why don't you just remove the unreferenced variable?

    // ...
catch(const your_exception_type &) // type specified but no variable declared
    // ...

Use #pragma warning ( push ), then #pragma warning ( disable ), then put your code, then use #pragma warning ( pop ) as described here:

#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable : WarningCode)
// code with warning
#pragma warning( pop ) 

Instead of putting it on top of the file (or even a header file), just wrap the code in question with #pragma warning (push), #pragma warning (disable) and a matching #pragma warning (pop), as shown here.

Although there are some other options, including #pramga warning (once).

One may also use UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER defined in WinNT.H. The definition is just:

#define UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(P)          (P)

And use it like:

void OnMessage(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)

Why would you use it, you might argue that you can just omit the variable name itself. Well, there are cases (different project configuration, Debug/Release builds) where the variable might actually be used. In another configuration that variable stands unused (and hence the warning).

Some static code analysis may still give warning for this non-nonsensical statement (wParam;). In that case, you mayuse DBG_UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER which is same as UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER in debug builds, and does P=P in release build.



#pragma warning(suppress:0000)  // (suppress one error in the next line)

This pragma is valid for C++ starting with Visual Studio 2005.

The pragma is NOT valid for C# through Visual Studio 2005 through Visual Studio 2015.
Error: "Expected disable or restore".
(I guess they never got around to implementing suppress ...)

C# needs a different format. It would look like this (but not work):

#pragma warning suppress 0642  // (suppress one error in the next line)

Instead of suppress, you have to disable and enable:

if (condition)
#pragma warning disable 0642
    ;  // Empty statement HERE provokes Warning: "Possible mistaken empty statement" (CS0642)
#pragma warning restore 0642

That is SO ugly, I think it is smarter to just re-style it:

if (condition)
    // Do nothing (because blah blah blah).

In certain situations you must have a named parameter but you don't use it directly.
For example, I ran into it on VS2010, when 'e' is used only inside a decltype statement, the compiler complains but you must have the named varible e.

All the above non-#pragma suggestions all boil down to just adding a single statement:

bool f(int e)
   // code not using e
   return true;
   e; // use without doing anything

as @rampion mentioned, if you are in clang gcc, the warnings are by name, not number, and you'll need to do:

#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable"
// ..your code..
#pragma clang diagnostic pop

this info comes from here

If you want to disable unreferenced local variable write in some header

template<class T>
void ignore (const T & ) {}

and use

catch(const Except & excpt) {
    ignore(excpt); // No warning
    // ...  