I have a Sezzion
attr_accessible :description
has_many :session_instructors, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :instructors, :through => :session_instructors
accepts_nested_attributes_for :session_instructors
accepts_nested_attributes_for :instructors
attr_accessible :bio
has_many :sezzions, :through => :session_instructors
has_many :session_instructors, :dependent => :destroy
attr_accessible :instructor_id, :sezzion_id
belongs_to :sezzion
belongs_to :instructor
Lastly, User
has_many :sezzions
has_many :instructors
I'm trying to create a form for Sezzion
with nested form for SessionInstructor
which has multiple select option for Instructors
How can I do the following:
- nested form for
- use multiple select option to get all the selected
- hidden field to pass in the created/updated
with each select instructor
I have the following code as of now:
<%= form_for(@sezzion) do |f| %>
<%= f.label :description %>
<%= f.text_area :description %>
<%= f.label :instructors %>
<%= fields_for :session_instructors do |f| %>
<select multiple>
<% current_user.instructors.each do |instructor| %>
<option><%= instructor.name %></option>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>
Thank you so much!
This is something that seems ridiculously hard in Rails.
I think something like this might work:
<%= f.fields_for :session_instructors do |si| %>
<%= si.collection_select :instructor_ids, current_user.instructors, :id, :name, multiple: true>
<% end %>
This should create a form element which will set sezzion[session_instructors_attributes][instructor_ids].
Although I'm not sure if that's actually what you want. I've never tried this using a multi select. If it doesn't work, you could also try getting rid of the fields_for
and just using f.collection_select
. If you're willing to use a checkbox, I can show you how to do that for sure.
I hope that helps.
Here's how I would usually do it with a check_box
<%= f.fields_for :session_instructors do |si| %>
<%= si.hidden_field "instructor_ids[]" %>
<% current_user.instructors.each do |i| %>
<%= si.check_box "instructor_ids[]", i.id, i.sezzions.include?(@sezzion), id: "instructor_ids_#{i.id}" %>
<%= label_tag "instructor_ids_#{i.id}", i.name %>
<% end %>
<% end%>
There are a couple "gotchas!" with this method. When editing a model, if you deselect all checkboxes then it won't send the parameter at all. That's why the hidden_field
is necessary. Also, you need to make sure each form element has a unique id
field. Otherwise only the last entry is sent. That's why I manually set the value myself.
I copy pasted and then edited. Hopefully I got the syntax close enough where you can get it to work.
Per Sayanee's comment below, the answer was a bit simpler than I thought:
<%= f.collection_select :instructor_ids, current_user.instructors, :id, :name, {}, {:multiple => true} %>
@Sayanee, can you post how your instructors, sezzions table look like. Also for note, you can not get instructor_ids from Instructor object, hence you are getting "undefined method" error. With the current association that you shared, you can get instructor_ids from a Sezzion object. So you need to loop through current_user.sezzions in stead of current_user.instructors.
This is a way to implement fields_for nested form with html multiple_select in case of a has_many :through association. Solved it by doing something like this. The form view:
<%= form_for(@sezzion) do |f| %>
<%= fields_for :session_instructors do |g| %>
<%= g.label :instructor, "Instructees List (Ctrl+Click to select multiple)" %>:
<%= g.select(:instructor_id, Instructor.all.collect { |m| [m.name, m.id] }, {}, { :multiple => true, :size => 5 }) %>
<%= g.hidden_field :your_chosen_variable_id, value: your_chosen.id %>
<% end %>
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>
Note:Since the @sezzion would not be saved at the time of generating the form you cannot pass that id (@sezzion.id) in place of your_chosen.id through the form. You could handle that save in the controller.
Make sure that your controller Initializes the Variables while generating the form: Your def new could look something like this:
def new
@sezzion = Sezzion.new
Now the create controller has to be able to accept the strong params required for the multiple select, so the sezzion_params method may look something like this:
def sezzion_params
params.require(:sezzion).permit(:description, :any_other_fields,
:session_instructors_attributes =>
[:instructor_id => [], :your_chosen_id => Integer])
In the create function, the first session_instructor variable is linked to the @sezzion instance variable through our new function. The other session_instructors in our multiple select must be built after the Sezzion instance is saved, if you want to pass in the created @sezzion.id with each select instructor. .
def create
@sezzion = Sezzion.new(sezzion_params)
@startcount=1 #The first element of the array passed back from the form with multiple select is blank
@sezzion.session_instructors.each do |m|
m.instructor_id = sezzion_params["session_instructors_attributes"]["0"]["instructor_id"][@startcount]
m.your_chosen_variable_id = your_chosen.id
@startcount +=1
if @sezzion.save
sezzion_params["session_instructors_attributes"]["0"]["instructor_id"].drop(@startcount).each do |m|
@sezzion.session_instructors.build(:instructor_id => sezzion_params["session_instructors_attributes"]["0"]["instructor_id"][@startcount],
:your_chosen_variable_id => your_chosen.id).save
@startcount += 1
flash[:success] = "Sezzion created!"
redirect_to root_url
flash[:danger] = "There were errors in your submission"
redirect_to new_sezzion_path