新入手ThinkPad T470p 256G SSD 500G HDD 1920x1080 适合程序员
- 将256G SSD 一分为2,128给Win10, 128 给Ubuntu
- 将500G HDD 一分为2,256给Win10, 256给Ubuntu做home
- 在Win下删除预留给Ubuntu的128G SSD和256G HDD
- 下载ubuntu amd64 安装文件,制作启动U盘
- 重启tp,enter进入bios选择,F12选择U盘启动
- Ubuntu检测到Win10已安装,选择 install Ubuntu alongside Window 10即可
- 安装
- Ubuntu中Intel Ethernet和Wifi不工作,原因在于安装文件的Ubuntu kernel版本较低(16.04)Ubuntu 16.04 with Linux kernel 4.4 can't recognize wifi and ethernet device on T470s. We can manually install a more recent kernel (such as 4.8) after installation (via USB drive) to solve the issue.
sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-4.8*.deb linux-image-4.8*.deb
- wget/download最新kernel,reboot,ethernet work,网线连OK
- sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade,前提是设置用aliyun的源(较快)
- all done