R dplyr operate on a column known only by its string name

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-12-01 12:33:53

If you have a column name in a string (aka character vector) and you want to use it with tidyeval, then you can covert it with rlang::sym(). Just change

dplyr::filter( mpg > !!rlang::sym(probColName) )

and it should work. This is taken from the recommendation at this github issue: https://github.com/tidyverse/rlang/issues/116

It's still fine to use

dplyr::summarize( !!probColName := quantile(mpg, pctCutoff) )

because when dynamically setting a parameter name, you just need the string and not an unqouted symbol.

Here's an alternate solution from Hadley's comment in the post referred to in MrFlick's answer (https://github.com/tidyverse/rlang/issues/116). Using as.name() from base R takes the place of rlang::sym(), and you still do need to unquote it. That is, the following also works:

dplyr::filter( mpg > !!as.name(probColName) )
