I'm trying to add to my bash profile something that will set my node version to a specific version, and if the node version is not installed then install it. What I have so far is:
. /usr/local/opt/nvm/nvm.sh
if [[ $(nvm use v6.9.1) == "" ]]; then
nvm install v6.9.1
However, the problem is that the $(nvm use v6.9.1)
is run in a subshell and my node version doesn't get switched.
a) Is there any way to have $(nvm use v6.9.1)
run in the current shell?
b) Is there a better way of doing this?
Previously I was just running nvm install v6.9.1
but this was kinda slow which was an issue as it runs each time I open a new terminal.
Thanks Matt!
Have you tried grepping nvm ls?
. /usr/local/opt/nvm/nvm.sh
if [[ $(nvm ls | grep v6.9.1) == "" ]]; then
nvm install v6.9.1
nvm use v6.9.1
Is it any faster than using nvm install v6.9.1
for you?
EDIT: You can also set a default version that will always be loaded by default. You can do it by running nvm alias default 6.9.1
You can try changing your script to this:
if [[ $(node -v) != "v6.9.5" ]]; then
nvm install v6.9.5
nvm alias default v6.9.5
It will take a little long, but just for the first time