Ok, I've got a method with multiple optional arguments like this
def(username: Option[String], petname: Option[String], favouritefood: Option[String])
and i want to write a dynamic query that will be capable of fetching the data of defined arguments in a way of this
select * from table where un like username or pn like pn or ff like ff;
so depending of which arguments are defined to add them to query with OR operator?
Something like this should work. I had to use a similiar fragment in my own code and it is also close to what cvogt proposes in above comment (I think).
val username = Option("")
val petname = Option("")
val ff:Option[String] = None
val default = LiteralColumn(1) === LiteralColumn(1)
yourTable.filter { it =>
username.map(it.username === _),
petname.map(it.petname === _),
ff.map(it.ff === _)
).collect({case Some(it) => it}).reduceLeftOption(_ || _).getOrElse(default)
The thoefer is nice for simple use cases but has some limits. Like if all your options are None's the list is empty and you can't reduce an empty list :)
If you need something more composable, based on predicate, conjunctions and disjunctions (a bit like Hibernate/JPA Criteria API), you can check my answer in Slick: create query conjunctions/disjunctions dynamically