Dynamic OR filtering - Slick

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-01 11:33:36

Something like this should work. I had to use a similiar fragment in my own code and it is also close to what cvogt proposes in above comment (I think).

val username = Option("")
val petname = Option("")
val ff:Option[String] = None

val default = LiteralColumn(1) === LiteralColumn(1) 

yourTable.filter { it => 
      username.map(it.username === _),
      petname.map(it.petname === _),
      ff.map(it.ff === _)
  ).collect({case Some(it)  => it}).reduceLeftOption(_ || _).getOrElse(default)
Sebastien Lorber

The thoefer is nice for simple use cases but has some limits. Like if all your options are None's the list is empty and you can't reduce an empty list :)

If you need something more composable, based on predicate, conjunctions and disjunctions (a bit like Hibernate/JPA Criteria API), you can check my answer in Slick: create query conjunctions/disjunctions dynamically
