How to remove tables and paragraphs containing data from docx in java using apache poi

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2019-12-01 11:19:24

The problem is that using removeBodyElement shifts the rest of the elements and recalculates their indices. It means, that if you want to delete elements #4 to #6 (empty paragraph between two tables is included), then after deleting the element #4 (empty line), it is your second TABLE (and not its title paragraph) that will become the element #5, etc. Basically, this loop becomes jumping by two elements (i+=2 instead of i++), thus deleting only half of what you want, and even deleting something you don't want to delete.

Thus, you have just to reverse the order of your loop:

for ( int i = endIndex; i >= startIndex; i-- ) {
    System.out.println( "removing bodyElement #" + i );
    document.removeBodyElement( i );

I've tested it with a template, similar to your example, it works fine! Hope it helps.
