How to monitor Kafka broker using jmxtrans?

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2019-12-01 11:18:10

After a lot of experimentation, I have now resolved the question. For completeness, below is how I resolved the problem.

It appears that I specified the "obj" value incorrectly.

The CORRECT obj value (an example) is as follows:

"obj": "\"kafka.server\":type=\"BrokerTopicMetrics\",name \"AllTopicsLogBytesAppendedPerSec\"",
"attr": [ "Count" ]

Note that the "obj" value requires additional quotes. This seems unusual and different than the normal pattern I have seen (no quotes) for other JMX obj values.

JMXTRANS provided valid output after putting the correct (quoted) values in the obj string...

As I could've found out in ./bin/, by default the stdout/log file is /dev/null.


That's why it's important to set the env var to something you can use to see the output:

LOG_FILE=log.txt ./bin/ start kafka.json

I'm using the following kafka.json configuration file:

  "servers" : [ {
    "port" : "10101",
    "host" : "localhost",
    "queries" : [ {
      "outputWriters" : [ {
        "@class" : "com.googlecode.jmxtrans.model.output.StdOutWriter",
        "settings" : {
      } ],
      "obj" : "kafka.server:type=BrokerTopicMetrics,name=MessagesInPerSec,topic=testowo",
      "attr" : [ "Count" ]
    } ],
    "numQueryThreads" : 2
  } ]

When you start jmxtrans it will query the broker with JMX on localhost:10101 about Count attribute for testowo topic. It will print the result out to the file LOG_FILE every 60 secs (you can change it using SECONDS_BETWEEN_RUNS env var), e.g.

LOG_FILE=log.txt SECONDS_BETWEEN_RUNS=5 ./bin/ start kafka.json

You may want to use other writers of jmxtrans so the output is not intermingled, e.g.

  "servers" : [ {
    "port" : "10101",
    "host" : "localhost",
    "queries" : [ {
      "outputWriters" : [ {
        "@class" : "com.googlecode.jmxtrans.model.output.KeyOutWriter",
        "settings" : {
          "outputFile" : "testowo-counts.txt",
          "maxLogFileSize" : "10MB",
          "maxLogBackupFiles" : 200,
          "delimiter" : "\t",
          "debug" : true
      } ],
      "obj" : "kafka.server:type=BrokerTopicMetrics,name=MessagesInPerSec,topic=testowo",
      "attr" : [ "Count" ]
    } ],
    "numQueryThreads" : 2
  } ]

And the last but not least, to set the JMX port to a known value use JMX_PORT env var when starting a Kafka broker using ./bin/, i.e.

JMX_PORT=10101 ./bin/ config/