I have a site with 1000 coupons. All the coupons have a usage limit of one. Im using the code provided by Raunuk Gupta to export coupons directly from the SQL database.
How WooCommerce Coupons are stored in Database ?
Is it possible to retrieve order meta of the user that used the coupon? I would like to include in the report the user's name, email address and possibly some other custom fields.
Thank you.
- We generate 1000 coupons and provide it to a company ( client ).
- Each coupon has a usage limit of 1.
- The company then distribute the coupons among their members.
- At the end of the month, we need to send a report to the company telling them:
- How many of the 1000 coupons were used. ( this can be done with the code provided at the link above )
- Then from the used coupons, we need to tell them who used it, in other words the name and email address of the user that placed the order.
LINK TO SAMPLE EXCEL EXPORT -The Yellow fields are from the COUPONS -The Blue fields are from the ORDER
Below MySQL query will list all your coupon associated with Order.
SELECT pc.post_title AS coupon_name,
pc.post_excerpt AS coupon_description,
Max(CASE WHEN pmc.meta_key = 'discount_type' AND pc.`ID` = pmc.`post_id` THEN pmc.`meta_value` END) AS discount_type,
Max(CASE WHEN pmc.meta_key = 'coupon_amount' AND pc.`ID` = pmc.`post_id` THEN pmc.`meta_value` END) AS coupon_amount,
Max(CASE WHEN pmc.meta_key = 'product_ids' AND pc.`ID` = pmc.`post_id` THEN pmc.`meta_value` END) AS product_ids,
Max(CASE WHEN pmc.meta_key = 'product_categories' AND pc.`ID` = pmc.`post_id` THEN pmc.`meta_value` END) AS product_categories,
Max(CASE WHEN pmc.meta_key = 'customer_email' AND pc.`ID` = pmc.`post_id` THEN pmc.`meta_value` END) AS customer_email,
Max(CASE WHEN pmc.meta_key = 'usage_limit' AND pc.`ID` = pmc.`post_id` THEN pmc.`meta_value` END) AS usage_limit,
Max(CASE WHEN pmc.meta_key = 'usage_count' AND pc.`ID` = pmc.`post_id` THEN pmc.`meta_value` END) AS total_usaged,
po.ID AS order_id,
MAX(CASE WHEN pmo.meta_key = '_billing_email' AND po.ID = pmo.post_id THEN pmo.meta_value END) AS billing_email,
MAX(CASE WHEN pmo.meta_key = '_billing_first_name' AND po.ID = pmo.post_id THEN pmo.meta_value END) AS billing_first_name,
MAX(CASE WHEN pmo.meta_key = '_billing_last_name' AND po.ID = pmo.post_id THEN pmo.meta_value END) AS billing_last_name,
MAX(CASE WHEN pmo.meta_key = '_order_total' AND po.ID = pmo.post_id THEN pmo.meta_value END) AS order_total
FROM `wp_posts` AS pc
INNER JOIN `wp_postmeta` AS pmc ON pc.`ID` = pmc.`post_id`
INNER JOIN `wp_woocommerce_order_items` AS woi ON pc.post_title = woi.order_item_name
AND woi.order_item_type = 'coupon'
INNER JOIN `wp_posts` AS po ON woi.order_id = po.ID
AND po.post_type = 'shop_order'
AND po.post_status IN ('wc-completed', 'wc-processing', 'wc-refunded') -- Added needed order status over here.
INNER JOIN `wp_postmeta` AS pmo ON po.ID = pmo.post_id
WHERE pc.post_type = 'shop_coupon'
LIMIT 0, 10 -- modify it accordingly.
Hope this helps!