Regex for “Does not contain four or more repeated characters”

旧时模样 提交于 2019-12-01 10:50:11

Turn the problem around: a character can be followed by at most 3 of the same. Then it must be followed by something else. Finally, the whole string must consist of sequences like this. In the perl flavor:


You need to put the .* inside the lookahead:


The way you're doing it, the .* consumes the whole string, then the lookahead asserts that there aren't four of the same character after the end of the string, which of course is always true.

I used a non-greedy star in my lookahead because it seemed more appropriate, but greedy will work too--it just has to be inside the lookahead.

I'm assuming this is just one of several lookaheads, that being the usual technique for validating password strength in a regex. And by the way, while regex-negation is appropriate, you would have gotten more responses to your question much more quickly if you had used the regex tag as well.

I used the simple ^(.)(?!\1\1){8,}$ for a 8 or more character that doesn't have any characters that repeat more than twice.

I think, use this regex .*(.).*\1+.* to matches existd repeated characters. But for four, depend on you.

Good luck!

Find char in the group then match repeats
