I'm looking for a list of the inbuilt (and 3rd party would be a bonus) ActionResults you have available to you in a controller in ASP.NET MVC.
So far I've discovered the following:
- ContentResult - this.Content()
- ActionResult - this.View()
- JsonResult - this.Json()
- JavascriptResult - this.Javascript()
- PartialViewResult - this.PartialView()
Have I missed any useful ones that are out there?
From this source:
Writes a string value directly into the HTTP response.EmptyResult
Does not write to the HTTP response.FileContentResult
Takes the contents of a file (represented as an array of bytes) and write the contents into the HTTP response.FilePathResult
Takes the contents of a file at the given location and writes the contents into the HTTP response.FileStreamResult
Takes a file stream produced by the controller and writes the stream into the HTTP response.HttpUnauthorizedResult
A special result used by authorization filters when authorization checks fail.JavaScriptResult
Responds to the client with a script for the client to execute.JsonResult
Responds to the client with data in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).RedirectResult
Redirects the client to a new URL.RedirectToRouteResult
Renders the specified view to respond with an HTML fragment (typically used in AJAX scenarios).PartialViewResult
Renders the specified view to respond with an HTML fragment (typically used in AJAX scenarios).ViewResult
Renders the specified view and responds to the client with HTML.
3rd party: MVCcontrib XmlResult
The book, ASP.NET MVC 1.0, has the following results (p 235): EmptyResult, ContentResult, JsonResult, RedirectResult, RedirectToRouteResult, ViewResult, PartialViewResult, FilePathResult, FileContentResult, FileStreamResult, JavaScriptResult
You can find out more specifics about each one here