I'm working with mails, and names and subjects sometimes come q-encoded, like this:
Is there a way to decode them in Ruby? It seems TMail should take care of it, but it's not doing it.
I use this to parse email subjects:
You could try the following:
str = "=?UTF-8?Q?J=2E_Pablo_Fern=C3=A1ndez?="
if m = /=\?([A-Za-z0-9\-]+)\?(B|Q)\?([!->@-~]+)\?=/i.match(str)
case m[2]
when "B" # Base64 encoded
decoded = Base64.decode64(m[3])
when "Q" # Q encoded
decoded = m[3].unpack("M").first.gsub('_',' ')
p "Could not find keyword!!!"
Iconv.conv('utf-8',m[1],decoded) # to convert to utf-8
Ruby includes a method of decoding Quoted-Printable strings:
puts "Pablo_Fern=C3=A1ndez".unpack "M"
# => Pablo_Fernández
But this doesn't seem to work on your entire string (including the =?UTF-8?Q?
part at the beginning. Maybe you can work it out from there, though.
This is a pretty old question but TMail::Unquoter (or its new incarnation Mail::Encodings) does the job as well.
TMail::Unquoter.unquote_and_convert_to(str, 'utf-8' )
Mail::Encodings.unquote_and_convert_to( str, 'utf-8' )
Decoding on a line-per-line basis:
Convert STDIN or file provided input of encoded strings into a decoded output:
if ARGV[0]
lines = File.read(ARGV[0]).lines
lines = STDIN.each_line.to_a
puts lines.map { |c| c.unpack("M") }.join
This might help anyone wanting to test an email. delivery.html_part is normally encoded, but can be decoded to a straight HTML body using .decoded
test "email test" do
assert_equal 1, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size
delivery = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last
assert_equal "Please confirm your email", delivery.subject
assert delivery.html_part.decoded =~ /Click the link below to confirm your email/ # DECODING HERE