MVC AttributeRouting With GET - Returning 405 - Method Not Allowed

梦想的初衷 提交于 2019-12-01 06:40:31


I've just been working on a new controller action method and I'm a little confused why I'm seeing a 405.

I have defined several GET attributed methods on my API already and they all function as expected. For an example this works fine:

    [GET("entries/{page}"), JsonExceptionFilter]
    public HttpResponseMessage GetEntries(int page)

Yet my new method defined like this:

    [GET("search/{searchTerm}/{page}"), JsonExceptionFilter]
    public HttpResponseMessage Search(string searchTerm, int page)

Is returning a 405

If I visit the routes.axd url on the API I can see an entry in the table like this:

GET, HEAD, OPTIONS  users/search/{searchTerm}/{page}

This all looks correct. On the client side I'm using the same approach on both requests using an HttpClient:

var response = httpClient.GetAsync(ApiRootUrl + "users/search/" + searchTerm + "/" + page).Result;

Running a get from Fiddler also returns a 405.

Even looking at the RequestMessage in the response looks correct:

"{Method: GET, RequestUri: 'http://localhost:51258/users/search/jam/0'"

Totally stumped on this.

What else can I try to maybe shed some light on what is going wrong?


You would need to decorate the Search action with one more attribute called System.Web.Http.HttpGetAttribute. For the reason behind this, you can take a look at my answer in the below post:

405 when using AttributeRouting.PUTAttribute unless I also include HttpPutAttribute

