function toggle(){
function () {
$("#tempc").animate({width: 255, height: 220}, 1000);
$("#tempc").css("background-color", "transparent");
$("#tempc").html("<iframe src='/src/stream.php?stream=1' width='255' height='225' frameborder='0' scrolling='no'></iframe><br><a href='javascript:;' onclick='hidegadget();' class='yellowblock'>Sluit</a>");
function () {
$("#tempc").animate({width: 50, height:50}, 1000);
$("#tempc").css("background-color", "#FFFF00");
$.get('src/stream.php?stream=2', function(data002) {
$.get('src/stream.php?stream=2', function(data002) {
Hello stackoverflow,
A while ago i was trying to animate a div, well, it works now only one thing. When the first function is activated (starting row 3), and iframe gets loaded. But now, how can i preload that iframe? Because when the animation is finished the iframe isn't loaded...
With JQuery, you don't need to use iframes. Take a look at the .load() function. http://api.jquery.com/load
To preload a page, just create a hidden div and show it when ready.
var stream2 = $('<div>').load('src/stream.php?stream=2').hide();
Start by loading the iframe, hook into onLoad
on the iframe (this might give you a headache in itself, but a little googling should show you how to make this work well cross browser) and run your animation from this event.