I have this query that finds all tables and views that matches my column name of a certain database. I am using SQL SERVER 2008
SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE column_name = 'product_name'
I want to extend the capability of my query to search across all databases and even look for Stored procedures whose having my searched column name.
This script will search your column in all tables across all databases.
Create table #yourcolumndetails(DBaseName varchar(100), TableSchema varchar(50), TableName varchar(100),ColumnName varchar(100), DataType varchar(100), CharMaxLength varchar(100))
EXEC sp_MSForEachDB @command1='USE [?];
INSERT INTO #yourcolumndetails SELECT
WHERE COLUMN_NAME like ''%yourcolumnname%'''
select * from #yourcolumndetails
Drop table #yourcolumndetails
You can use this query for find field name that used in SP/View or Function
OBJECT_NAME(object_id) as 'Procedure/Function/View Name',
FROM sys.sql_modules
( definition LIKE '%' + '<Your_Field_Name>' + '%' )
Finding code across databases, the easiest way I've found is to sling a view with the below SQL in each DB then put in a master view that UNIONs them across the DBs. Bit of a pain if you've got loads of DBs or some you can't touch, but works well otherwise for me.
s.name as SchemaName,
objs.name as ObjectName,
OBJECT_DEFINITION(objs.object_id) AS ObjectDefinition
(SELECT object_id, name, 'Proc' as ObjectType
FROM sys.procedures p
select object_id, name, 'View'
from sys.views
SELECT object_id, Name, type
FROM sys.objects o
WHERE o.[type] IN ('fn', 'fs', 'ft', 'if', 'tf')) objs
inner join sys.objects o
on objs.object_id=o.object_id
inner join sys.schemas s
on o.schema_id=s.schema_id
Columns (as in find a column in an abstract table on any database on the server), you could do the same thing and just UNION the information schemas, but that won't work for what I want so I'm on the hunt for a more general solution - will add it if I find it!
You run this query without mysql admin privileges, so it shows you only databases/tables to which you have access
To search in procedures use information_schema.routines
select * from information_schema.tables
where table_name like upper('%email%'); '
Table_name is the name of the column
all commands that helped me find the columns 'email'
Steps taken:
show databases ;
show tables;
select * from information_schema.tables;
select * from information_schema.tables
where table_name like upper('%email%');'