What is LLVM Intermediate representation?

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2019-12-01 03:42:48

I'm not familiar with a single, strict definition of what differentiates one level of IR from another, but from what I know it would fall under the MIR category.

  • It has SSA form and doesn't have explicit registers, so I would definitely not categorize it as low-level.
  • It doesn't have named subelement reference or advanced flow-control constructs, so it wouldn't really fit into HIR, either.

In any case, LLVM IR is typically stored on disk in either text files with .ll extension or in binary files with .bc extension. Conversion between the two is trivial, and you can just use llvm-dis for bc -> ll and llvm-as for ll -> bc. The binary format is more memory-efficient, while the textual format is human-readable.
