iOS App Promotion Code expiration conditions

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-12-01 03:36:48

You would get 50 new promo codes for your new version. All promo code are valid for 4 weeks, regardless of version.

After my app crashing mysteriously on the release side, I've been testing my own promo code on a spare iPhone.

It seems that promo codes gives a download of the version the promo code was based on. My app was crashing on its version 2.0, and promo codes of version 2.0 will crash. However, when I erased the app and used a promo code generated from version 2.1, it ran just fine.

edit: confirmed again with yet another two codes. They really do download the version they're generated from.
