is int[pointer-to-array] in the C++ - standard? [duplicate]

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-01 03:35:11

C++ standard, § 8.3.4, note 7 (page 185) (emphasis mine).

Except where it has been declared for a class (13.5.5), the subscript operator [] is interpreted in such a way that E1[E2] is identical to *((E1)+(E2)). Because of the conversion rules that apply to +, if E1 is an array and E2 an integer, then E1[E2] refers to the E2-th member of E1. Therefore, despite its asymmetric appearance, subscripting is a commutative operation.

Here is what C++11 standard has to say:

Note: Except where it has been declared for a class (13.5.5), the subscript operator [] is interpreted in such a way that E1[E2] is identical to *((E1)+(E2)). Because of the conversion rules that apply to +, if E1 is an array and E2 an integer, then E1[E2] refers to the E2-th member of E1. Therefore, despite its asymmetric appearance, subscripting is a commutative operation. (emphasis is added).

So your assumption that a[b] is implemented as *(a + b) is correct, except that it is implemented directly in the compiler, not as a macro.

The expression E1[E2] is identical (by definition) to *((E1)+(E2))

...and then commutativity of index and pointer takes hold. See your friendly neighbourhood C++ standard, section 5.2.1 in this version:
