I'm trying to make a sign-in form with Qt5.0.1. I created 2 Widgets and I put my labels and line edits in one of them, and my button in other one. Then I put these 2 widgets in a QVBoxLayout, but the space between two widget in layout is more than purpose. I tried setSpacing and setContentsMargin but they didn't work for this program.
vhandle->addWidget(handle,0, Qt::AlignTop);
vhandle->addWidget(handle2,0, Qt::AlignTop);
but nothing changed in space between two widgets:
what should I do?
The issue is not the margin settings of the QVboxLayout
, but the margin settings of the layout of your container widgets and the spacing setting of the QVBoxLayout. You already have set the spacing to 0, this should be fine. In addition, assumed that upperWidgetLayout
is the layout of the upper widget and lowerWidgetLayout
the layout of the lower widget, try
upperWidgetLayout->setContentsMargins(-1, -1, -1, 0);
lowerWidgetLayout->setContentsMargin(-1, 0, -1, -1);
This sets the bottom margin of the upper widget's layout and the top margin of the lower widget's layout to 0, so that there is no space between the contents of the two widgets:
Temporarily coloring the various widgets is usually a good approach to track down such issues. You can also use Qt Designer to design the UI and have a look at the source code which is being generated (or use the .ui file directly in your project).