Time complexity of JavaConverters asScala method

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-01 02:37:41

Various JavaConverters classes are using Adapter pattern to wrap original Java collection (underlying) and provide Scala interface. Thus both converting and accessing converted collections is constant in time (O(1)) introducing only minor overhead.

For instance this is the full source code of JListWrapper:

case class JListWrapper[A](val underlying : java.util.List[A]) extends mutable.Buffer[A] {
    def length = underlying.size
    override def isEmpty = underlying.isEmpty
    override def iterator : Iterator[A] = underlying.iterator
    def apply(i : Int) = underlying.get(i)
    def update(i : Int, elem : A) = underlying.set(i, elem)
    def +=:(elem : A) = { underlying.subList(0, 0).add(elem) ; this } 
    def +=(elem : A): this.type = { underlying.add(elem); this }
    def insertAll(i : Int, elems : Traversable[A]) = { val ins = underlying.subList(0, i) ;  elems.seq.foreach(ins.add(_)) }
    def remove(i : Int) = underlying.remove(i)
    def clear = underlying.clear
    def result = this

Also note that converting Java collection to Scala and then back to Java yields the original collection, not double-wrapper.
