Destructure object parameter, but also have reference to the parameter as an object? [duplicate]

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-12-01 02:22:09


With ES6 you can destructure objects in function arguments:

({name, value}) => { console.log(name, value) }

The equivalent ES5 would be:

function(params) { console.log(, params.value) }

But what if I would like a reference both to the params object and the nested properties value and name? This is the closest I got, but the drawback is that it won't work with arrow functions because they do not have access to the arguments object:

function({name, value}) {
  const params = arguments[0]
  console.log(params, name, value)


arguments isn't available in arrow functions, and this affects how function parameters should be consistently treated in ES6.

If original parameter is used, it should be destructured inside function:

(param) => {
  const {name, value} = param;
  // ...

If several arguments are expected and some argument negotiation takes place (for example, similarly to arguments.length), rest parameter should be used:

(...args) => {
  const [param] = args;
  // ...

Boilerplate variable destructuring has its benefits; it's easier this way to debug param or args at breakpoint even if they aren't currently in use.


What about next:

function({name, value}, params=arguments[0]) {
    console.log(params, name, value)


function(params, {name, value} = params) {
    console.log(params, name, value)

