Which is faster? Pass by reference vs pass by value C++

梦想的初衷 提交于 2019-12-01 01:48:14

The answer to "Which is faster" is usually "It depends".

If instead of passing four bytes of data you are passing an eight byte pointer to data, then you can't really expect that to make things faster. If instead of passing 100 bytes of data you are passing an eight byte pointer to data, that's different.

But now the function doesn't have the data, it only has a reference. So whenever it needs to read the data, it has to do that indirectly through the reference. That takes longer. If you pass a 100 byte object and only read eight byte of it, you still are likely to win. But if you actually read all the data, and maybe multiple times, then it could easily be faster to pass the value even for large objects.

The real difference comes when you pass an object, and passing by value means a more or less complex constructor will be called. Passing by reference means no constructor. But int has no constructor anyway.

And then there is optimisation. Passing by value means the compiler knows your function is the only one with access to the data. Pass by reference means the data could be anywhere. If you have two int& parameters, I could pass the some int twice. So increasing row might increase pos. Or it might not. That kills optimisations.

And then there is the rule of optimisation: "Measure it". You measured it and found what's faster. Sometimes things are faster or slower for no good reason whatsoever.
