I am stuck for days now. I am using the PhotoShareDialogBuilder in facebook. I used the content provider something like this :
<provider android:authorities="com.facebook.app.NativeAppCallContentProvider*****************"
But, it gives me the error whenever the code gets executed. Someone please help me out. I don't want to use any other api like simple facebook etc. The error i receive in the logcat is : 09-06 13:56:14.575: E/ActivityThread(4202): Failed to find provider info for com.facebook.wakizashi.provider.PlatformProvider.
My code :
boolean canPresentShareDialogWithPhotos = FacebookDialog.canPresentShareDialog(this,
if (canPresentShareDialogWithPhotos) {
FacebookDialog shareDialog = createShareDialogBuilderForPhoto(image).build();
private FacebookDialog.PhotoShareDialogBuilder createShareDialogBuilderForPhoto(Bitmap... photos) {
return new FacebookDialog.PhotoShareDialogBuilder(this)
I noticed that these logcat errors:
E/ActivityThread﹕ Failed to find provider info for com.facebook.katana.provider.PlatformProvider
E/ActivityThread﹕ Failed to find provider info for com.facebook.wakizashi.provider.PlatformProvider
appear only if you do not have the Facebook APK installed on your emulator. After you install the FB APP app like this:
Macintosh:platform-tools admin$ ./adb install ~/Downloads/Facebook-[Version Number].apk
758 KB/s (40857788 bytes in 52.574s)
pkg: /data/local/tmp/Facebook-
These type of errors should disappear.
Good luck !
This can be caused by:
- No internet connection
- Make sure you've added the internet permission to the manifest
- The hashkey is wrong for the app
- Your app id is wrong
My guess would be point 2
you probably need to add this to you AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"></uses-permission>
I have the same problem, I noted that the problem is linked to the Facebook app, isn't installed on emulator or device.