MQTT-SN with Windows

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2019-12-01 00:53:44

Really Small Message Broker (RSMB) has support for MQTT-SN over UDP. Source is available from git on To build it use MS Visual Studio and make from Cygwin.

Then you need a MQTT-SN serial to UDP bridge. I use , works very well. Build it in Cygwin.

RSMB might completely replace your MQTT broker, but if you want to keep Mosquito, then bridge RSMB to push all messages to Mosquito. Here is simple configuration file 'broker.cfg':

# will show you packets being sent and received
trace_output protocol

# normal MQTT listener
listener 1884 INADDR_ANY    

# MQTT-S listener
listener 1885 INADDR_ANY mqtts

# MQTT-S outgoing multicast bridge (QoS -1)
connection Bridge_2_Mosquito
address mosquito_host_name:1883
# publish all messages
topic # out