How to distribute private Android app testing tracks using the Android Management API + Organisations?

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-12-01 00:45:28


So I'm using the Android Management API to manage and handle deployment for an app to a kiosk device I am working on.

I've created an organisation, created a policy, and ensured the app is limited to managed google play only, and assigned the organisation to the app.

I've enrolled some devices onto the policy, and when the app is moved to prod (currently this is fine as there are only a handful of test devices on that policy), it downloads and installs.

However my issue is that if I use the alpha track, and then assign the organisation to that alpha track, the new alpha version of the app never gets installed.

Using the opt-in URL (not ideal, as the policy doesn't have Chrome on it, so I would need to specifically add chrome just for alpha testing), then sign into google with an account on that organisation. It then tells me I am enrolled into alpha, and it may take a few hours for the app to show up.

The google docs on this are extremely vague

If your app is private, you also need to add the organisation associated with your test to your targeted list.

Like 16 hours later, no app, only the prod version which comes pre installed. If I call that device from the Android Management API, and show installed apps, it shows only the prod / previous version of the app.

So my question: How do I get the app onto the device via the alpha test channel, while using a private app + organisation?


Update 2019-09-09

The Android Management API now supports distributing testing tracks:

  • You can find the list of available tracks for an app with Application.appTracks[]
  • You can set the available tracks for a policy in ApplicationPolicy.accessibleTrackIds[]

Initial answer 2019-03-14

The Android Management API doesn't support distributing testing tracks at the moment. We are working on adding support for it, however I cannot share a precise timeline at the moment.

Once support is added you will be able to set a field in the ApplicationPolicy to distribute testing track of an app to a device. Similar to how it is currently possible using the Play EMM API (see documentation).

Unfortunately there is no workaround. Using the opt-in URL from the device would not work with the Android Management API. And you cannot use the Play EMM API for devices managed with the Android Management API.

