How do I make a HK2 ServiceLocator use the Singleton service instances from the ServiceLocator that it's bridged from?

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-01 00:26:32

There was a bug in the ServiceLocator bridge which has been fixed. The fix will be in hk2 2.5.0-b07 or later!

In the meantime (and in case it is indeed designed behaviour) I have achieved a workaround by implementing my own InjectionResolver. It's not a complete solution as it only works for injection (i.e. a call to ServiceLocator.getService() will not bridge) but it does what I need for now.

Here is the class if anyone needs it. Instead of calling ExtrasUtilities.bridgeServiceLocator(_innerServiceLocator, _outerServiceLocator); you call BridgingInjectionResolver.bridgeInjection(_innerServiceLocator, _outerServiceLocator);

public class BridgingInjectionResolver implements InjectionResolver<Inject>
  private ServiceLocator _localServiceLocator;

  private ServiceLocator _remoteServiceLocator;

  public BridgingInjectionResolver()

   * This method will bridge injection of all non-local services from the from ServiceLocator into the into
   * ServiceLocator.  The two ServiceLocators involved must not have a parent/child relationship
   * @param into The non-null ServiceLocator that will be able to inject services from the from ServiceLocator
   * @param from The non-null ServiceLocator that will provide services for injection to the into ServiceLocator
  public static void bridgeInjection(ServiceLocator into, ServiceLocator from)
    checkParentage(into, from);
    checkParentage(from, into);
    ServiceLocatorUtilities.addClasses(into, BridgingInjectionResolver.class);

  private static void checkParentage(ServiceLocator a, ServiceLocator b)
    ServiceLocator originalA = a;

    while (a != null) {
      if (a.getLocatorId() == b.getLocatorId()) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Locator " + originalA + " is a child of or is the same as locator " + b);

      a = a.getParent();

  public Object resolve(Injectee injectee, ServiceHandle<?> root)
    ActiveDescriptor<?> ad = _localServiceLocator.getInjecteeDescriptor(injectee);
    if (ad != null) {
      return _localServiceLocator.getService(ad, root, injectee);
    ad = _remoteServiceLocator.getInjecteeDescriptor(injectee);
    if ((ad != null) && (ad.getDescriptorVisibility() == DescriptorVisibility.LOCAL)) {
      ad = null;
    if (ad == null) {
      if (injectee.isOptional()) {
        return null;

      throw new MultiException(new UnsatisfiedDependencyException(injectee));
    return _remoteServiceLocator.getService(ad, root, injectee);

  public boolean isConstructorParameterIndicator()
    return false;

  public boolean isMethodParameterIndicator()
    return false;

  private void setRemoteServiceLocator(ServiceLocator remoteServiceLocator)
    _remoteServiceLocator = remoteServiceLocator;
