How can I convert duration with JavaScript, for example:
You could theoretically get an ISO8601 Duration that looks like the following:
I wrote the following regular expression to parse this into groups:
It's not pretty, and someone better versed in regular expressions might be able to write a better one.
The groups boil down into the following:
- Sign
- Years
- Months
- Weeks
- Days
- Hours
- Minutes
- Seconds
I wrote the following function to convert it into a nice object:
var iso8601DurationRegex = /(-)?P(?:([.,\d]+)Y)?(?:([.,\d]+)M)?(?:([.,\d]+)W)?(?:([.,\d]+)D)?T(?:([.,\d]+)H)?(?:([.,\d]+)M)?(?:([.,\d]+)S)?/;
window.parseISO8601Duration = function (iso8601Duration) {
var matches = iso8601Duration.match(iso8601DurationRegex);
return {
sign: matches[1] === undefined ? '+' : '-',
years: matches[2] === undefined ? 0 : matches[2],
months: matches[3] === undefined ? 0 : matches[3],
weeks: matches[4] === undefined ? 0 : matches[4],
days: matches[5] === undefined ? 0 : matches[5],
hours: matches[6] === undefined ? 0 : matches[6],
minutes: matches[7] === undefined ? 0 : matches[7],
seconds: matches[8] === undefined ? 0 : matches[8]
Used like this:
Hope this helps someone out there.
If you are using momentjs, they have ISO8601 duration parsing functionality available. You'll need a plugin to format it, and it doesn't seem to handle durations that have weeks specified in the period as of the writing of this note.
"PT16H30M".replace(/PT(\d+)H(\d+)M/, "$1:$2");
I have just done this for durations that are even over a year long.
Here is a fiddle.
function convertDuration(t){
//dividing period from time
var x = t.split('T'),
duration = '',
time = {},
period = {},
//just shortcuts
s = 'string',
v = 'variables',
l = 'letters',
// store the information about ISO8601 duration format and the divided strings
d = {
period: {
string: x[0].substring(1,x[0].length),
len: 4,
// years, months, weeks, days
letters: ['Y', 'M', 'W', 'D'],
variables: {}
time: {
string: x[1],
len: 3,
// hours, minutes, seconds
letters: ['H', 'M', 'S'],
variables: {}
//in case the duration is a multiple of one day
if (!d.time.string) {
d.time.string = '';
for (var i in d) {
var len = d[i].len;
for (var j = 0; j < len; j++) {
d[i][s] = d[i][s].split(d[i][l][j]);
if (d[i][s].length>1) {
d[i][v][d[i][l][j]] = parseInt(d[i][s][0], 10);
d[i][s] = d[i][s][1];
} else {
d[i][v][d[i][l][j]] = 0;
d[i][s] = d[i][s][0];
period = d.period.variables;
time = d.time.variables;
time.H += 24 * period.D +
24 * 7 * period.W +
24 * 7 * 4 * period.M +
24 * 7 * 4 * 12 * period.Y;
if (time.H) {
duration = time.H + ':';
if (time.M < 10) {
time.M = '0' + time.M;
if (time.S < 10) {
time.S = '0' + time.S;
duration += time.M + ':' + time.S;
Specifically solving DateTime strings which can be used within the HTML5 <time/>
tags, as they are limited to Days, Minutes and Seconds (as only these can be converted to a precise number of seconds, as Months and Years can have varying durations)
function parseDurationString( durationString ){
var stringPattern = /^PT(?:(\d+)D)?(?:(\d+)H)?(?:(\d+)M)?(?:(\d+(?:\.\d{1,3})?)S)?$/;
var stringParts = stringPattern.exec( durationString );
return (
( stringParts[1] === undefined ? 0 : stringParts[1]*1 ) /* Days */
* 24 + ( stringParts[2] === undefined ? 0 : stringParts[2]*1 ) /* Hours */
* 60 + ( stringParts[3] === undefined ? 0 : stringParts[3]*1 ) /* Minutes */
* 60 + ( stringParts[4] === undefined ? 0 : stringParts[4]*1 ) /* Seconds */
Test Data
"PT1D" returns 86400
"PT3H" returns 10800
"PT15M" returns 900
"PT1D12H30M" returns 131400
"PT1D3M15.23S" returns 86595.23
Basic solution to ISO8601 period support.
Due to lack of a 'duration' type in JavaScript and weird date semantics, this uses date arithmetic to apply a 'period' to an 'anchor' date (defaults to current date and time). Default is to add the period.
Specify ago: true to provide a date in the past.
// Adds ISO8601 period: P<dateparts>(T<timeparts>)?
// E.g. period 1 year 3 months 2 days: P1Y3M2D
// E.g. period 1H: PT1H
// E.g. period 2 days 12 hours: P2DT12H
// @param period string: ISO8601 period string
// @param ago bool [optiona] true: Subtract the period, false: add (Default)
// @param anchor Date [optional] Anchor date for period, default is current date
function addIso8601Period(period /*:string */, ago /*: bool? */, anchor /*: Date? */) {
var re = /^P((?<y>\d+)Y)?((?<m>\d+)M)?((?<d>\d+)D)?(T((?<th>\d+)H)?((?<tm>\d+)M)?((?<ts>\d+(.\d+)?)S)?)?$/;
var match = re.exec(period);
var direction = ago || false ? -1 : 1;
anchor = new Date(anchor || new Date());
anchor.setFullYear(anchor.getFullYear() + (match.groups['y'] || 0) * direction);
anchor.setMonth(anchor.getMonth() + (match.groups['m'] || 0) * direction);
anchor.setDate(anchor.getDate() + (match.groups['d'] || 0) * direction);
anchor.setHours(anchor.getHours() + (match.groups['th'] || 0) * direction);
anchor.setMinutes(anchor.getMinutes() + (match.groups['tm'] || 0) * direction);
anchor.setSeconds(anchor.getSeconds() + (match.groups['ts'] || 0) * direction);
return anchor;
No warranty. This may have quirks - test for your use case.