Is there any way to adjust the position of the UITabBar badge in iOS 7? The badge now blocks the tab bar icon a bit more than I would like.
iOS 6:
iOS 7:
If possible, can you provide the method by which you are setting the tab bar image?
I had the same problem that you did, and fixed it by using UIImageRenderingModeAlwaysOriginal
UIImage *image = // Your tab bar item image
UIImage *selected = // Your selected tab bar item image
image = [image imageWithRenderingMode:UIImageRenderingModeAlwaysOriginal];
selected = [selected imageWithRenderingMode:UIImageRenderingModeAlwaysOriginal];
controller.tabBarItem = [[UITabBarItem alloc] initWithTitle:title
It looks like the badge is placed in a certain position relative to the image. So if you have no image, the badge is in the upper left corner of the tabBarItem.
So - to position the badge, adjust the border of blank pixels around the .png you're using for the tabBarItem image.
It's not possible to adjust appearance of the badge.
If you really want to have it different, I think implementing custom overlay on UITabBar
should be pretty easy. That way you could put there any custom text, not just numbers.
iOS 7 SDK depreciate 3 key method we used to customize tabbar
- (void)setFinishedSelectedImage:(UIImage *)selectedImage withFinishedUnselectedImage:(UIImage *)unselectedImage
- (UIImage *)finishedUnselectedImage
- (UIImage *)finishedSelectedImage
They suggest their alternatives in docs as @Daniel Amitay suggests.
Documentation is here