Messed up CSV leads to Exception

落花浮王杯 提交于 2019-11-30 22:20:42
James Bassett

This is a good question! As a Super CSV developer, I'll look into creating some exception handling examples on the website.

You could keep it simple and use CsvListReader (which doesn't care how many columns there are), and then just create the Map yourself:

public class HandlingExceptions {

    private static final String INPUT = 

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

        // use CsvListReader (can't be sure there's the correct no. of columns)
        ICsvListReader listReader = new CsvListReader(new StringReader(INPUT), 
            new CsvPreference.Builder('"', '\t', "\r\n").build());

        final String[] headers = listReader.getHeader(true);

        List<String> row = null;
        while ((row = != null) {

            if (listReader.length() != headers.length) {
                // skip row with invalid number of columns
                System.out.println("skipping invalid row: " + row);

            // safe to create map now
            Map<String, String> rowMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
            Util.filterListToMap(rowMap, headers, row);

            // do something with your map


{name=Tom, age=25}
skipping invalid row: [Alice]
{name=Jim, age=44}
skipping invalid row: [Mary, 33, Invalid]

If you were concerned with using Super CSV's Util class (it's possible it could change - it's really an internal utility class), you could combine 2 readers as I've suggested here.

You could try catching SuperCsvException, but you might end up suppressing more than just an invalid number of columns. The only Super CSV exception I'd recommend catching (though not applicable in your situation as you're not using cell processors) is SuperCsvConstraintViolationException, as it's indicates the file is in the correct format, but the data doesn't satisfy your expected constraints.

You have to ask yourself what have to be done if the CSV file contains data which cannot be parsed. How critical would it be to skip those lines. In one scenario it could be ok to just drop it in other scenarios it might be better to stop the whole process and tell the user to fix the file first.

I am sure you can build both scenarios with Super CSV. You definitely have to handle that Exception and react appropriate to the mentioned scenarios.

Well, i came up with some solution, but i don't think it's optimal.

while (true) {
    try {
        if ((row = == null) {
        } else {
            // do something
    } catch (SuperCsvException ex) {


Changed Exception with SuperCsvException
