Twitter Typeahead.js Bloodhound remote returns undefined

余生长醉 提交于 2019-11-30 22:06:50
Ben Smith

The Bloodhound suggestion engine is unable to find the display key "value" within your JSON array.

You need to convert the JSON array into an array of JavaScript objects. The JavaScript objects have a variable called "value", which have a film title as its value; it is this "value" variable which is used by the display key e.g.

remote: {
        url: '../widgets/films.json',
        filter: function (films) {
            // $.map converts the JSON array into a JavaScript array
            return $.map(films.results, function (film) {
                return {
                    // NB : replace original_title below with your JSON film key
                    value: film.original_title

The example above could be improved if you included a sample of your films.json output (as I'd then be able to use the exact values you need).

See this answer for an extended example and jsfiddle.
