How to remove all backslash in a JavaScript string ?
var str = "one thing\\\'s for certain: power blackouts and surges can damage your equipment.";
I want output like
one thing's for certain: power blackouts and surges can damage your equipment.
I am scrapping data from page with help of JavaScript & displaying on fancy-box popup.
please help me on this
This is the answer according to the title as the title is "Remove all slashes in Javascript" not backslashes. So here is the code to remove all the slashes from a string in JavaScript.
str = '/mobiles-phones/.png';
str.replace(/\//g, "")//output would be "mobiles-phones.png";
Regexs are great str.replace(/\\/g,'')
ismail atkurt
How do I do string replace in JavaScript to convert ‘9.61’ to ‘9:61’?
var str = "one thing\\\'s for certain: power blackouts and surges can damage your equipment.";
str.replace("\", "");