Generating a Nix package from a stack project

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-11-30 20:22:25

With this recent merge, I am able to build and installed a simple stack project using following steps:

  1. Create new hello project with stack new hello
  2. Add following lines to stack.yaml

      enable: true
      shell-file: default.nix
  3. Create default.nix

    with (import <nixpkgs> { });
    haskell.lib.buildStackProject {
      name = "hello";
      src = ./.;

At this point, I am able to run nix-build to build the project and result will be at ./result/bin/hello-exe

If I want to install, I would run nix-env -i -f default.nix

Side note: nix-build will download stack's build plan every time it run.

I want to incrementally build my project while making changes so I mainly just drop in the shell and call stack build there.
