I have a difficult problem.
I am iterating through a set of URLs parameterized by date and fetching them. For example, here is an example of one:
Sometimes, the content returned from the URL gets truncated (missing random results with a 'truncated error' message attached) because I've defined too large a range, so I have to split the query into two URLs
I do this recursively until the results aren't truncated anymore, and then I write to a blob, which allows concurrent writes.
Each of these URL fetch calls/blob writes is handled in a separate task queue task.
The problem is, I can't for the life of me devise a scheme to know when all the tasks have completed. I've tried using sharded counters, but the recursion makes it difficult. Someone suggested I use the Pipeline API, so I watched the Slatkin talk 3 times. It doesn't appear to work with recursion (but I admit I still don't fully understand the lib).
Is there anyway to know when a set of task queue tasks (and children that get spawned recursively) are completed so I can finalize my blob and do whatever with it?
Thanks, John
Have you read the Pipelines Getting Started docs? Pipelines can create other pipelines and wait on them, so doing what you want is fairly straightforward:
class RecursivePipeline(pipeline.Pipeline):
def run(self, param):
if some_condition: # Too big to process in one
p1 = yield RecursivePipeline(param1)
p2 = yield RecursivePipeline(param2)
yield RecursiveCombiningPipeline(p1, p2)
Where RecursiveCombiningPipeline
simply acts as a receiver for the values of the two sub-pipelines.
Here is an example using Java Pipeline
package com.example;
import com.google.appengine.tools.pipeline.FutureValue;
import com.google.appengine.tools.pipeline.Job1;
import com.google.appengine.tools.pipeline.Job2;
import com.google.appengine.tools.pipeline.Value;
public class PipelineRecursionDemo {
* A Job to count the number of letters in a word
* using recursion
public static class LetterCountJob extends Job1<Integer, String> {
public Value<Integer> run(String word) {
int length = word.length();
if (length < 2) {
return immediate(word.length());
} else {
int mid = length / 2;
FutureValue<Integer> first = futureCall(new LetterCountJob(),
immediate(word.substring(0, mid)));
FutureValue<Integer> second = futureCall(new LetterCountJob(),
immediate(word.substring(mid, length)));
return futureCall(new SumJob(), first, second);
* An immediate Job to add two integers
public static class SumJob extends Job2<Integer, Integer, Integer> {
public Value<Integer> run(Integer x, Integer y) {
return immediate(x + y);
All right, so here's what I did. I had to modify Mitch's solution just a bit, but he definitely got me in the right direction with the advice to return the future value instead of an immediate one.
I had to create an intermidate DummyJob that takes the output of the recursion
public static class DummyJob extends Job1<Void, List<Void>> {
public Value<Void> run(List<Void> dummies) {
return null;
Then, I submit the output of the DummyJob to the Blob Finalizer in a waitFor
List<FutureValue<Void>> dummies = new ArrayList<FutureValue<Void>>();
for (Interval in : ins) {
dummies.add(futureCall(new DataFetcher(), immediate(file), immediate(in.getStart()),
FutureValue<Void> fv = futureCall(new DummyJob(), futureList(dummies));
return futureCall(new DataWriter(), immediate(file), waitFor(fv));
Thank you Mitch and Nick!!