How to use an AppDomain to limit a static class' scope for thread-safe use?

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-11-30 20:15:08

Using app domains you could do something like this:

public class Loader

    private string connectionString;
    private string fileName;
    private Stream stream;
    private DataFile dataFile;

    public Loader(Stream stream, string fileName, string connectionString)
        this.connectionString = connectionString;
        this.fileName = fileName; = stream;

    public void Process()
        //*****  Create AppDomain HERE *****
        string threadID = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString();
        AppDomain appDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain(threadID);

        DataFile dataFile = 
            (DataFile) appDomain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(
                        "<DataFile AssemblyName>", 
                        new object[] 


Which bit, exactly, is being a pain in terms of thread safety? I can't see any static state nor singletons - and there seems to be appropriate "new" objects... am I being blind?

So what is the symptom you are seeing...

An AppDomain answer will be (relatively) slow. As part of a middleware-backed system this might be OK (i.e. the "relatively" is in the same ball-park).

If you do have some static state somewhere, another option that sometimes works is [ThreadStatic] - which the runtime interprets as "this static field is unique per thread". You need to be careful with initialization, though - the static constructor on thread A might assign a field, but then thread B would see a null/0/etc.

Why not just put a lock around the code you want to execute sequentially? It will be a bottleneck, but it should work in a multithreaded environment.

public class Loader
    private static object SyncRoot = new object();
    private string connectionString;
    private string fileName;
    private Stream stream;
    private DataFile dataFile;

    public Loader(Stream stream, string fileName, string connectionString)
        this.connectionString = connectionString;
        this.fileName = fileName; = stream;

    public void Process()

        lock(SyncRoot) {
            dataFile = new DataFile(aredStream, fileName, connectionString);



If you have shared statics that are conflicting with each other, then you might want to try adding [ThreadStatic] attribute to them. This will make them local to each thread. That may solve your problem in the short term. A correct solution would be to simply rearchitect your stuff to be thread-safe.

Just for completeness.

I did find that if I marked the send adapter as "Ordered Delivery" in the "Transport Advanced Options" dialog I was able to avoid the multi-thread issues I was having.

I figure this is another possible answer to my problem, but not necessarily to the question.

Creating and tearing down an appdomain for each call - I take it you're not worried about performance on this one?

Ideally you should change the called code to be threadsafe.
