Grunt - Watch a file and SFTP when it's changed

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-11-30 20:07:00

I would like to confirm that the following grunt-ssh ( task config worked fine for me. Note that grunt accepts --verbose option which may help debug. Note that as of v0.6.2 grunt-ssh SFTP task did not seem to support sshconfig syntax, which was not very clear from the help page.

    sftpCredentials: grunt.file.readJSON('sftp-credentials.json'),
    sftp: {
        deploy: {
            files: {
                "./": "deploy/**"
            options: {
                "path": "<%= sftpCredentials.path %>",
                "host": "<%= %>",
                "username": "<%= sftpCredentials.username %>",
                "port": "<%= sftpCredentials.port %>",
                "password": "<%= sftpCredentials.password %>",
                "srcBasePath": "deploy/",
                "createDirectories": true

I was trying to do something almost identical using grunt-sftp and ran into similar errors. The logging wasn't the greatest so I ended up using grunt-shell and just ran scp upon compilation:

watch: {
    tumblr: {
        files:['sass/*.scss', 'sass/*/*.scss'],
        tasks: [ 'compass:tumblr', 'shell:tumblr' ]

shell: {
  tumblr: {
    command: 'scp -P 2222 -r stylesheets ""'

This worked like a charm.
