Why is C++ numeric_limits<enum_type>::max() == 0?

浪尽此生 提交于 2019-11-30 17:47:16

std::numeric_limits is specialized in the Standard Library "for each arithmetic type, both floating point and integer, including bool" (§

Your enumeration test is not one of these types, so the primary template is used. Its behavior is specified by § "The default numeric_limits<T> template shall have all members, but with 0 or false values."

If you want to know the traits of the underlying type of test, you can use underlying_type:


Alternatively, you can specialize numeric_limits for test and have it return the values you want. This is not a particularly good idea, though.

For non-specialized versions of the template, max returns T(). You have not written a numeric_limits specialization for your test type, so you get the default implementation.

The numeric_limits<T> is a regular class template, it is not connected to the compiler in any special way as to find out about user-defined enum types. If you look at the <limits> file, it has the default template definition that returns zeros for everything, and a whole bunch of type-specific specifications for the individual types, returning the right constants.

You can "plug in" your enum into numeric_limits by providing a specification of numeric_limits<test> by yourself. You can copy the one for int from the <limits>, and modify it to suit your needs.

From the C++11 draft:

In, about numeric_limits:

Non-arithmetic standard types, such as complex (26.4.2), shall not have specializations.

And an enum is not an arithmetic standard type.

Then, in the non-specialized template:

template<class T> class numeric_limits {
    static constexpr bool is_specialized = false;
    static constexpr T max() noexcept { return T(); }

That is, the non-specialized max() function returns the default initialized value for that type, that is 0.
