Reload current page in Aurelia

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-11-30 17:22:28

This does not answer your exact question which is how to force a reload of the current view, but have you considered adding the current company identifier to your route(s)? This will solve your problem and make your routes bookmarkable: ie: /#/company1/view1 and /#/company2/view1. When you change the company in the drop-down you call router.navigate() with the new route and the new view will be loaded/refreshed.

To answer your exact question, I tested the router.navigate options: router.navigate('myroute', {replace:true, trigger:true}) and none of them force a reload of the view if the right view is already loaded. By appending ?ramdomNumber to your route name you can force a reactivation of the view.

While not officially supported, there are a variety of hacks suggestions in a relevant GitHub issue asking for this very functionality.

The one I got to work that does not involve updating aurelia's source code nor adding superfluous data to the route is to set the activationStrategy on all of my routes to be invokeLifecycle instead of the default, like so:

import { activationStrategy } from 'aurelia-router';

export class App {

  configureRouter(config, router) {[
        route: ['', 'home'],
        name: 'home',
        moduleId: 'home/index',
        activationStrategy: activationStrategy.invokeLifecycle
        route: 'users',
        name: 'users',
        moduleId: 'users/index',
        nav: true,
        activationStrategy: activationStrategy.invokeLifecycle
      ... etc ...


This makes it so the route's activate() method will run as you expect when the view model is reloaded. Then, in the code that initiates the reload, I do the following:

  { replace: true }

Here is a simple solution to refresh the page: in aurelia-history-browser.js, added a check in updateHash() and if the new _href is equal to the old then reload the page from the cache (not the server).

Then, to refresh the page you just need to use the existing options:

router.navigateToRoute('watch', {}, { replace: true, trigger: true });

The updated code is copied below:

function updateHash(location, fragment, replace) {
    if (replace) {
      var _href = location.href.replace(/(javascript:|#).*$/, '') + '#' + fragment;
      if (_href == location.href)
    } else {
      location.hash = '#' + fragment;

Better answer:

    reload: Number(this.router.currentInstruction.queryParams.reload || 0) + 1,
  { trigger: true },

The navigateToRoute() takes 3 parameters:

  1. Name of route: (get from current instruction)
  2. Route parameters: (get from current instruction and add an incremental reload to change the route; easiest way to make the router actually navigate)
  3. Options: The trigger: true option forces an activationStrategy: invokeLifecycle on this specific routing instruction without the need to set this option in the viewModel or routeConfig for normal routing.