Open File Dialog crashes in Swift

大憨熊 提交于 2019-11-30 16:33:43

The restrictions of the User Interface (UI) Calls, which are not Thread-Save, can be solved, when you use the following code, which executes a block of commands in the main thread asynchronously:

    // This commands are executed ansychronously

So you have to write your own functions for every built-in-function, which is not thread-save like this (example with the open file dialog):

func not (b: Bool) -> Bool
    return (!b)

func suspendprocess (t: Double)
    var secs: Int = Int(abs(t))
    var nanosecs: Int = Int(frac(abs(t)) * 1000000000)
    var time = timespec(tv_sec: secs, tv_nsec: nanosecs)
    let result = nanosleep(&time, nil)

func openfiledialog (windowTitle: String, message: String, filetypelist: String) -> String
    var path: String = ""
    var finished: Bool = false

    suspendprocess (0.02) // Wait 20 ms., enough time to do screen updates regarding to the background job, which calls this function
        var myFiledialog: NSOpenPanel = NSOpenPanel()
        var fileTypeArray: [String] = filetypelist.componentsSeparatedByString(",")

        myFiledialog.prompt = "Open"
        myFiledialog.worksWhenModal = true
        myFiledialog.allowsMultipleSelection = false
        myFiledialog.canChooseDirectories = false
        myFiledialog.resolvesAliases = true
        myFiledialog.title = windowTitle
        myFiledialog.message = message
        myFiledialog.allowedFileTypes = fileTypeArray

        let void = myFiledialog.runModal()

        var chosenfile = myFiledialog.URL // Pathname of the file

        if (chosenfile != nil)
            path = chosenfile!.absoluteString!
        finished = true

    while not(finished)
        suspendprocess (0.001) // Wait 1 ms., loop until main thread finished

    return (path)

Please note, that the block is called asynchronously, that means you have to check, if the block has been processed and is finished or not. So I add a boolean variable "finsihed" which shows, when the block reaches its end. Without this you do not get the pathname but only an empty string.

If you are interested, I will post my savefiledialog-function, too. Please leave a comment if so.

Most of the User Interface (UI) Calls are not Thread-Save, that means that they only work without crash and unusual behaviour in the main-thread.

This is the problem with NSOpenPanel Calls, too. When calling from the main-thread everything is OK.
